Custom development and production of electronics

We provide complete solutions for customer systems, from equipment design to implementation and installation.
- The scheme or the very idea of the function of the device will suffice as a outline
- Design and optimization of the scheme according to customer specifications
- Designs of up to 4-layer PCBs, including assignments for production and subsequent installation
- Design with the help of powerful ORCAD software with the possibility of generating data for assembly machines
- Output data in GERBER format for direct input into production.
- Design options according to the assignment of the construction class
- Design footprints of special components that are not part of the ORCAD libraries
- Possibility to specify the production of foils with a soldering mask for SMT
- Possibility of design of mechanical components and their input into production
PCB mounting

We provide machine and manual mounting of prototype and small series PCB technologies THT, SMT and BGA.
- Machine mounting of SMT small series PCBs on ESSEMTEC CSM7200 automatic mounting machine
- Manual THT mounting after automatic mounting
- Machine mounting speed approx. 3600 parts / hour.
- Installation and replacement of BGA components on the MARTIN Expert service station 09.6
- Double-sided SMT mounting with the use of thermal adhesives
- Preparation of mounting data from output files of design programs ORCAD, Eagle, Formica, etc., including assignment of PCB and foil production with soldering mask
- Manual mounting of prototype and small series PCBs (THT and SMT) without the need to use plates with a soldering mask
- Possibility of fitting non-standard cases, including BGA technology
- Use of proven lead-free solders
- Thorough optical inspection and ultrasonic PCB cleaning
- Possibility of complete PCB design, commissioning and subsequent installation according to customer requirements
PCB repairs

We have powerful service stations for repairs of THT, SMT and BGA technologies.
- Powerful service station MARTIN Expert 09.6 for repairs and installation of BGA circuits
- Smaller SOLOMON repair stations for repairs of THT technologies
- AOYUE 825 ++ and Weller WD - 2M stations for quick repairs of SMT technologies
- Possibility of PCB soldering in the ESSEMTEC soldering furnace
- Thorough optical inspection and ultrasonic PCB cleaning